The keywords in making my works are “”accumulation”” and “”perception””.
Even though people share the same environment at the same moment, they don’t necessarily see the same thing. We select pertinent amounts of information that each unknowingly wishes to obtain, and perceive with each. It is always possible other people don’t grasp what I see.
I think everyone seems to live in a different world.

It’s said that all substances present in this world are composed of particles. In one, particles invisibly small attract each other, they become clumps, and they are seeing with the naked eye.

It seems to me that each individual fine particle seems to be an “”individual perception””, and many viewpoints and information gather, accumulating one substance and landscape. I continue to produce it as if I can express it in a visible form.”


2001 アジアデジタルアート大賞展 カテゴリーB 大賞受賞2016 11th TAGBOAT AWARD 審査員特別賞塩入敏治賞受賞2017 12th TAGBORT AWARD グランプリ受賞
website: HirokoTokunaga art works