”Fantastic" artists such as one of the leading artists Ito Jakuchu performed colorfully in Japanese art world in Edo period with novel ideas. Four contemporary artistes inspired by them jump towards the world to mark a new phase.
2020/03/19 - 2020/03/29
上根 拓馬 “6 Guardians , the Mahakala no.1 Dhrtarastra” 2020
上根 拓馬 “12ガーディアンズ , the Devas 月天” 2020
鈴木 博雄 “Spooky Girl” 2020
鈴木 博雄 “INSTABIRD” 2020
Hattori Shihori “類をもって集まる” 2020
Hattori Shihori “Money is the best lawyer in hell” 2020
狄 青 “Look Back” 2020
狄 青 “Bright” 2020
2020/03/19 - 2020/03/29