For this show we decided to pick up the artists who deliver powerful messages about our indigenous world peculiar in Japan and review them in the context of modern world art.
So to say, art is always under the necessity of renewing of its concept and rethinking about its “raison d’être”, or changing relationship between matière and art.
What’s Asiatic or what’s Japanese or Chinese art with respective cultural
background in contrast with the world art? Especially how Japanese culture means in the midst of the world art? We are to present Japanese and Chinese artists who shed lights on this matter.
2019/06/10 - 2019/06/15
@ELSÄSSERSTRASSE 215, 4056 BASEL(Booth C-10)
狄 青 “珑璁(Long Cong)” 2018
北川 麻衣子 “Saurian” 2016
Hattori Shihori “Dependent Co-Arising” 2019
上根 拓馬 “28 Guardians no.20 Asura” 2018
池永 康晟 “Akebi, Natsuko” 2015
2019/06/10 - 2019/06/15
@ELSÄSSERSTRASSE 215, 4056 BASEL(Booth C-10)