Last year, the painting of yurei (ghost painting) titled “Darkness” by Toko Okamoto had a powerful spotlight in the “Exhibition of Memento Mori” from the collection of novelist,Ichi Orihara held by Vanilla Gallery in Ginza.
Mr. Orihara kindly contributed an essay titled “Smile of Death-wonders on one painting” to the column of two pages spread on the January issue 2019 of ART Collectors’.
This painting, “Darkness” was exhibited in the “Exhibition of paintings of yurei in mid winter” held by Shukado Gallery in 2015 and now added to the collection of Mr. Orihara.
In his essay he told us how he met this painting and what had happened strangely at home afterwards and the repercussions of Exhibition of Memento Mori held by Vanilla Gallery last October.
If you are interested, please have a look of ART Collectors’ 2019, January issue accounting about “Darkness” of Toko Okamoto and the succeeding stories.