Kusenbou Masamitsu was born in Hokkaido in 1974. Graduated from the Graduate School of Education, Hokkaido University of Education. He is now an active art teacher in the middle school. Beside work he has begun to make buddhas figures which absorbed huge attention among public thru twitters and other SNS. In 2019, he got “Grand Prix” of “Hakodate, Winter, Art Exhibition Awards”.
We could say that Buddha figures made so exquisitely could be ascribed to idealistic symbol of female figures. His sculptures are neither like realistic buddhas figures nor real female figures. They express just universal beauty and holiness.

『はこだて冬アート』展 招待作家として展示(函館芸術ホール)
『はこだて冬アート』展 函館市文化団体協議会会長賞受賞
『はこだて冬アート』展 はこだて冬アート大賞受賞
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Please contact us if you are thinking of the commodification of their works.