村上 仁美

說到陶磁娃娃,大家腦海中最先浮現的應該是最能展現娃娃天真浪漫風情的德國Meissen麥森瓷器及西班牙Lladro雅緻瓷偶吧。然而, 村上的陶磁娃娃作品則大多讓人聯想到「死亡」。其作品中甚多的是朽敗如植物般崩壞的女性。
​​在這些運用火與土融合的作品中,村上完成了一尊尊最富原創性,形同「器具」般的女人。這些「器具」般的女人不管對男性生殖器所帶來的幸與不幸都全盤地接受, 孕育出下一個生命。在她的這群作品中, 女人們都毫無保留地曝露出腹中的空洞、帶著近乎恍惚般的執念朝地面生根,與大地合而為一。
​​生為女人,就是要從「女孩」變成「女人」,然後生兒育女,讓生命延續下去。這樣認命的氣息都濃縮在其作品中。她有時還會將作品捏出飽滿到近乎可笑的巨乳, 讓人乍看之下極其古怪,但其背後想要表達的卻是「女性」肉體帶給這個世界的恩典。
Yuka Sakuma Hiromi Murakami / Moon at dawn-Twilight on the Horizon- / parabolica-bis / Asakusabashi, Tokyo
Group Exhibition / parabolica-bis / Asakusabashi, Tokyo
BLIND PEAK 2 “Naked Babylon” / SHINOBAZU GALLERY / Nihonbashi, Tokyo
Group Exhibition / Bunkamura Gallery / Shibuya, Tokyo
Mari Shimizu × Hitomi Murakami / HortusConclusus-Maria's closed garden- / Zaroff / Hatsudai, Tokyo
Alice Fantasy Story / Bunkamura Gallery / Shibuya, Tokyo
Solo Exhibition / roid works gallery / Yushima, Tokyo
Group Exhibition / Bunkamura Gallery / Shibuya, Tokyo
Field Of Now / GINZA YOKYO HALL / Ginza, Tokyo / Booth roid works gallery
spiral take art collection Murakami Hitomi × Aubrey Beardsley / Aoyama Spiral Garden with roid works gallery / Aoyama, Tokyo
Excellence Award / Aichi Prefectural Arts University completion graduation work
Excellence Award / Seto City Art Exhibition, the 68th in 2015 / Sculpture Section
Excellence Award / Aichi Prefectural University of Arts University 2014
Tears of fish girl / Gallery Kunimatsu / Aoyama, Tokyo
Sculpture excellence student award / Aichi Prefectural University of the Arts
First prize / H/ASCA exhibition / Hori Science and Art Promotion Foundation
Best Award / The 13th Three-dimensional Art Competition AAC 2013 / Urban
- KENZAN - / Gallery Kunimatsu Award
Those are goods using the images of shukado’s artists.
Please contact us if you are thinking of the commodification of their works.